
I'm going to address the issue of" Mediums",
that is to say those who claim to have connections
with those in the "Spiritual Realms" or the people
who use Psychic tools such as the Tarot Cards to
provide guidance to people.

Let me comment on this first. All over the world there are dozens of "Psychic 'Phone lines", it's a thriving business in
spite of a global recession; becoming actually all the more lucrative due to the fact people are losing hope, personal
morale and are extremely anxious in their daily lives quite apart from any emotional worries they may be experiencing.
Everyone most usually will consult a reader when at a low ebb, when they are feeling personally vulnerable and overtly
sensitive about things so particularly when their relationship has ended or they have reason to have suspicions about
their partner for example.   Now most people know of course I counted amongst my personal friends Astrologers and
Psychics and let me say at this juncture that Astrology is quite different. It is a means of determining a persons life
course as the planets alignments serve to illustrate as well as, of course, considers the individuals planetary set - up
when they were born which is why to determine the most accurate reading the exact time and place of birth is so
important...latitudes and longitudes varying naturally and the time greatly affects the various transits and
conjunctions.  Thus one Cancerian, by example, will be quite different to another according to the year they were born
and the time they were born. "H.R.H. The Duchess of Cornwall" like me a Cancerian being illustrative of this fact, how
similar are we-- apart from both having dyed our hair because Charles is a gentleman who prefers blondes !

Astrology therefore is dependent upon the Astrologer making clear and concise calculations about things based upon
their study of the individuals chart so some might venture to say will prove being a lot more accurate. I certainly can
vouch for Penny Thornton being someone who does her homework in this respect which is why her personal site
www.astrolutely.com is promoted in the links area.  Penny suggested to me my Charity Work as a means of releasing
my past, my marriage and so too emotional baggage I did not need to carry and people saw the amazing results of that
inspiring suggestion from her. Likewise it was Penny who suggested to Andrew to put the book I channeled to him
online as he did not want to publish it and be seen to be exploiting me, which is why it is FREE to listen to ! Now it is true
an Astrologer will charge a fee for a personal consultation but, as I have said, ostensibly for the research that they will
have to undertake to determine accuracy in their personal Astrological reading for you.

Now let's talk about "Psychics On Line". There is a fee always and a credit card option as fees tend to be high around the
£ 100.00 for an hours consultation. Now not to tar everyone with the same brush which wouldn't be fair at all, there
being good n' bad in everything and a need to be to create balance but not very helpful if that £100.00 spent by you
leaves you either on a false high because you have been fed all you wanted to hear and imagine or you feel all the worse
because of things told to you that may or indeed may not be real. I have recently heard of a perfect example of
inaccuracy being given which would have caused emotional devastation to those imparted with the knowledge they
believed having been channeled to them, it clearly wasn't or there were serious crossed lines in heaven! A well known
Psychic was consulted by parents whose child was missing and they were informed their child was dead! Any hopes they
had held for the child's return dashed in one comment, their hearts torn apart brutally by a rash statement and their
personal lives to a great extent destroyed! Eleven years later their child is located, very much alive and they have all
been reunited so ultimately a happy ending but let us suppose one or both of those parents hadn't themselves felt they
could live in the knowledge their child was dead? Well, in the case of both parents taking their lives, meaning another
orphan in the world and then of course that orphan being told the reason why they were an orphan ! Imagine for a
moment how soul destroying that news might be for them, it actually doesn't bear thinking about, does it ! As I have
said this Psychic being pretty acclaimed so I wonder at what financial cost the devastating lie was spun?

Please view a site on the net www.badpsychics.co.uk which is one which serves to expose the very real dangers and
names and shames with evidential proof provided a surprising number of people. Albeit Andrew was tarred with the
same brush by it's Webmaster who is intent on disbelieving anyone who does not conform to his personal opinion of
normality, speaking to Dead ex-Princesses included in this category, never the less a site which merits people
recognising the existence of.  A FREE SITE www.tarot.com is as well worth a visit so long as people do not take
information imparted to being gospel; it is a guidance and nothing more and nothing less than this!

Andrew himself, when an intense relationship ended, became addicted to a "Tarot 'Phone - Line" spending £800.00 in
one month! Unemployed at the time, his father had the financial means to clear the debt but the cost being their
personal relationship, which was never easy anyway, the rift between them strengthened as Brian saw Andrew as weak
and an "Idiot!".  He of course had a point but Andrew was emotionally destroyed and seeking comfort and solace
anywhere he could,  not inclined to do so by sleeping around and using people which would have been financially
cheaper but emotionally far more costly for him! Friends of his even now know that he can still nurse an addiction to a
"Tarot Line" but these days far less frequently as it is a tremendously expensive exercise. To be honest an hours
reading is not the only time available so less time, a cheaper cost, but in a vulnerable state who is going to want to talk to
someone for 20 minutes and as the reading progresses most often new threads are added to the original tapestry so
unless you are extremely disciplined and succinct in your questions hardly a viable option to consider. Also of course
as with one Tarot Line Andrew has personally used because he trusts a particular reader due to their accuracy, he has
found after the allotted time of an hour, this can be lengthened at a further cost of £1. 50 per minute ! Needless to say
the company providing the service rakes in the bulk of profit and not the reader themselves.

I'm going to use Andrew's example to illustrate things more succinctly if I may. He, as I say, had been in a very intense
relationship.  Karmic relationships are and he was quite literally devastated when it ended, contemplated suicide as an
example of this and upon recovery having explained his symptoms to his G.P. was told he'd displayed all the traits of
someone suffering from serious clinical depression and his G.P. amazed Andrew had not consulted him feeling as he was
and been prescribed medication. Now Andrew of course realises as he has had illustrated to him a number of times but
not something needing to be illustrated in this message; that he is strongly protected and whilst this isn't something to
incite to risk life and limb to prove, it is a wonderful realisation he personally having experienced knows. Now whilst
Andrew was in this highly emotional state he called "Psychic - Lines" and needless to say not the one he trusts or more
specifically the reader he trusts now. Not one of the people he spoke to in his highly emotive state often breaking down
in tears on a call suggested he seek professional medical help but instead suggested his calling them the next day to talk
again...which he of course did! Now some readers he spoke to told him the truth, so he didn't want to hear this or
recognise it so they were ignored by him and instead he'd embrace the words of those telling him that his partner and he
would meet again, talk things out and reunite ! Well they met again at various times around London, Karma  connected
as I say they were pretty much magnets for one another, but the meetings inevitably resulting in physical and mental
abuse which ultimately resulted in the police ( The Domestic Violence Unit ) becoming involved and ultimately a court
hearing and prior to this Andrew in danger of his life in one attack. They never reunited in earthly life but their bond of
love is an eternal one and alive now that Andrew's partner is in Spirit and connects with him in peace and light ! Now to
suppose this is what the readers were inferring in their readings for him, would mean Andrew's living in as a much of a
fairytale as I found myself doing as "H.R.H. Princess of Wales".                                   

An alternative to calling "Tarot - Lines" being to visit a reader for a personal consultation but again caution necessary as
if personalities clash this will inhibit the reading or generally create an atmosphere where neither one or  both parties
are comfortable in each other's company which will have a direct and powerful effect upon things naturally and
'positively negatively'! The most accurate guidance everyone has is their own personal gut instinct, that little voice
inside us, our inner voice quite literally which whispers to us when we allow it to be heard and not be drowned out by
the powerful volume of our outer voice fuelled most usually by our own egos. Another more cost effective means of
inspiration might be gained by consulting with a dear and trusted friend but there again this putting them in an
awkward position; so perhaps not telling you their true feelings for fear of upsetting you more. The secret really being
remain objective in any situation and circumstance you are involved in, do not become subjectivebut  recognising
nothing happens in life ever by chance so every circumstance, everything that happens does happen for a reason .
" Cheng",  Andrew's primary guide, always says " Life is the only university where everyone is both teacher and student
for one another and life is the lesson, experience the teacher ! "
                          Thank you for listening to me,

                                                      Diana xx

" Hello Everyone,

                                            The link above takes you to a Universal Message true  for everyone and quite possibly one of the
most inspiring videos you will ever see. One that can be watched over and over again by you offering comfort and
uplifting with all it has to say while you watch it but equally so after having done so!

                                             It's enlightening message discovered then to being something remaining equally powerful;
deeply resonating within your own personal psyche in a phenomenal way.

                                              Thank you to Anne for sending it to me as something to be shared with everyone, it's designer
illustrating its wisdom beautifully in this masterpiece of creation that speaks to the heart and soul so profoundly."

                 With love from
                                    Diana xx